Comments on: How to Keep Your Spirits High When Life Stinks A work fashion blog offering fashion, lifestyle, and career advice for overachieving chicks Sun, 30 Aug 2020 16:50:06 +0000 hourly 1 By: Keneiloe Fri, 20 Dec 2019 21:38:22 +0000 To stay focus and never lose hope

By: Manny Thu, 21 Nov 2019 10:28:17 +0000 Music helps me a lot , with music i make everything done and fun makes me sad , happy gives me motivation .

By: YHC Fri, 31 May 2019 03:09:05 +0000 Pray and give thanks for all the blessings that I already have – simple things like I am healthy and able to do many things! In no time, I am out!

By: Est Tue, 05 Feb 2019 03:15:40 +0000 I hope your week gets better. Thanks for all you do for us
the Hive

By: Ellen Tue, 05 Feb 2019 00:14:52 +0000 This is such an important p’ost, Kat. I wish more members of the HIVE would read and live it, as I do. Whenever I start feeling sorry for myself, all I do is think of all the people who have REAL probelems, and all of a sudden, my issues are NOT that meaningful. The HIVE should understand that so many people out there are one paycheck away from not being able to pay the rent, or put healthy food on the table. That is why I donate my clothes all the time, and volunteer for NY Cares where we paint places in bad neighborhood’s. I recommend the entire hive stop to think of others, for a change, even tho it is easy to think only of ourself. YAY!!!

By: Anonymous Mon, 04 Feb 2019 22:04:16 +0000 Oddly what helps me is to tell myself I need to treat myself the way I would a friend who is down. So plan healthy meals for her, lots of sleep, a bit of exercise and something fun to look forward to. The fun doesn’t need to be something massive, a movie in a theatre with popcorn or a drink with friends will do.
